
Albert Opoku

Why do you love to read?

Why do you love to read?

Last week I attended an event at Miklin Hotel. An elderly man was selling books right at the entrance of the auditorium. Being a book lover, I bought a couple of books for my personal library. The next day, a friend who also attended the event sent me this message via WhatsApp:

“I saw you pack so many books from the bookseller at Miklin when we met for the stakeholders engagement…. I want to ask you,
Why do you love the habit of reading?”

This was my response to him:

“A book of 200 pages that takes me 20 days to read, took the author years to gain the experience and knowledge that is in the book. So in 20 days (only about 30 minutes a day) I gain at least 10 years of experience and knowledge..that’s a great shortcut for only GHS 40 😊”

Now you know why I love to read. I want to know why do you love to read? Please reply using the comment section below with your reason(s).

I can’t wait to read why you love books. Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts with me.

Thanks for reading to the end.



128 Responses

  1. I read to gain knowledge and personal development. When I need to have a discussion with a group of people or highly intellectual personality, I read to gain more knowledge.

    I read to prepare myself for the future. I have toddlers and have to constantly read to keep myself abreast with information so as to know what to expect and also know that whatever character traits I notice in them, I am fully ready to address it whether positive or negative.

    I read to find solutions to problems. The list is endless…

    1. Dear Obieley,

      I love your reason for loving to read: it opens your mind and helps you to learn new things. Reading is a powerful tool for expanding our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. It can also help us to develop new perspectives and to see the world in new ways.

      When we read, we are exposed to new ideas and different ways of thinking. This can help us to challenge our own assumptions and to become more open-minded individuals. Reading can also help us to learn about different cultures and perspectives, which can make us more tolerant and understanding of others.

      I encourage you to continue reading and to explore new genres and authors. The more you read, the more your mind will open up and the more you will learn about the world around you.

  2. The reason why I like books is very simple .

    Every book tel a story of the experience from another person.

    In life we can learn from anothers mistakes in life but most of all it bring us experience for us how to make life perfect for ourselfs.

    My favoritt writers are James Clavell ,some old fashion Dutch style writerss and above all I take my spirit from the holy bible.

    I think reading should be teach to the children from the moment they learn reading insted of all this computer games.

    But that’s my opinion.

    A good bookwith a nice glass of cognac can fill an whole evening

    1. I agree with you that reading is a valuable experience for people of all ages, especially children. Books can teach us so much about life, from the mistakes others have made to the wisdom they have gained.

      I also agree with you that reading a good book with a glass of cognac is a wonderful way to spend an evening. It is a relaxing and enjoyable way to unwind and to learn something new at the same time. Although, I will switch the cognac for Baileys 😃

      I am glad to hear that you enjoy reading books by James Clavell and old-fashioned Dutch writers. I am not familiar with these authors, but I am intrigued by your recommendations. I will have to check out some of their work.

      I also appreciate your point of view on the importance of teaching children to read from a young age. Reading is a fundamental skill that opens up a world of knowledge and opportunity. It is important for children to learn to read so that they can reach their full potential.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on reading with me. I enjoyed reading your email.

  3. Why I love reading…
    “As the saying goes…if you want to hide something from man, put it in a book” .
    My source of inspirations,motivation and knowledge are hidden in books and I do discover them anytime I read.


    1. Dear Christopher,

      I love your quote: “if you want to hide something from man, put it in a book.” It is a clever way to say that books are a vast treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom.

      I am glad to hear that you find books to be a source of inspiration, motivation, and knowledge. I agree that books can teach us so much about life and the world around us. They can also help us to develop our creativity, imagination, and empathy.

      I encourage you to continue reading and to explore new genres and authors. The more you read, the more you will learn and grow.

  4. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
    I believe reading makes one knowledgeable. As a teacher, if I don’t read wide, it makes me feel as if I am totally lost. Reading makes me feel better and confidence.
    Thank you.

    1. Dear Bright,

      I agree that reading is essential for teachers. It is important for teachers to be knowledgeable about a wide range of subjects so that they can effectively teach their students. Reading also helps teachers to stay up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in education.

      In addition to making teachers more knowledgeable, reading can also help them to feel more confident in their teaching abilities. When teachers feel confident, they are better able to create a positive learning environment and to engage their students.

      I am glad to hear that you enjoy reading and that it makes you feel better and more confident. I encourage you to continue reading and to explore a variety of different genres and authors. The more you read, the more knowledgeable and confident you will become as a teacher.

  5. Thank you very much Sir, for such a great question. I smiled the moment I read your questions “Nii why did you love to read”.

    You know there’s something about books that attract, something burning in me that always aroused when I see books either hard or soft copy.

    But over the years I have discovered that I found a great joy in reading. So, all the other benefits are just a plus for me.

    Thank you 🙏

    N. N. Mensah

    1. Dear Nii,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on why you love to read. It is wonderful to hear that you find so much joy in reading.

      I agree with you that there is something special about books. They can transport us to different worlds, introduce us to new characters, and teach us new things. They can also make us laugh, cry, and think.

      I am glad that you have discovered the many benefits of reading. It is a hobby that can enrich our lives in so many ways.

    1. Hello Desmond
      Thank you for your brief yet intriguing response! The simplicity of “because I enjoy reading and just want to know” speaks volumes about the pure pleasure and curiosity that reading brings.

      It’s wonderful to have you in our community of readers. If there’s ever a particular genre or topic you’re curious about or if you have any book recommendations to share, feel free to let me know.

      Happy reading, and thanks for being a part of the conversation!

  6. Dear Albert,

    Thanks for asking why I love to read. I am replying to your mail because you asked me to reply to you.

    1. Relating with the Writer – One of my profound joys of reading is the ability to connect with authors on a personal level, despite never having met them in person. When I dive into a book, I am essentially stepping into the author’s mind, experiencing their thoughts, ideas, and emotions. I get to see the world through their text, and this connection with the writer creates a unique bond for me, especially spiritual books.

    2. Knowledge Acquisition – It is an invaluable avenue for me to acquire knowledge. Books are repositories of information, covering a vast array of subjects and topics. When I read, I have the opportunity to expand my understanding and awareness in various fields, from history and science to philosophy and art. Reading non-fiction books, academic literature, or even well-researched novels impart valuable insights and facts, helping me to become a more informed and knowledgeable individual.

    3. Personal Growth – Reading for me is a powerful tool for personal growth. The books I choose to read serve as mentors and guides in my life journey. Self-help, personal development, and motivational literature offer me strategies and wisdom for self-improvement. Through reading, I explore different viewpoints, philosophies, and life experiences that challenge my own perspectives and encourage self-reflection.

    1. Dear Raphael,

      Thank you for sharing your reasons for loving to read. I agree that reading can be a powerful tool for connecting with the author, acquiring knowledge, and personal growth.

      I especially like your point about relating to the author on a personal level. When we read a book, we are essentially entering into the author’s mind and experiencing their thoughts, ideas, and emotions. This can be a very powerful and transformative experience.

      I also agree that reading is a great way to acquire knowledge and to grow personally. Books can teach us about the world around us, about ourselves, and about how to live better lives.

      I’m so glad that you are a passionate reader. I encourage you to continue to read and to share your love of reading with others.


    I’m glad to hear from you once again.
    Thank you for bridging the long silence I should have close.
    Back to your question, this is an awesome question many hasn’t asked yet.
    As you said, reading helps to purchase wisdom, knowledge and expirence at a cheaper price.

    For me, I read to CORRECT future mistakes and also discover my hidden potentials.

    For instance, your book, WHAT I LEANT LATE IN LIFE, has really helped me to correct my idea to marry late.

    Your second book, has motivated me to start my EDUCATIONAL TOUR BUSSINESS.

    THIS and other reasons why I love to read..


    1. I am glad to hear that my books have helped you to rethink your idea of marrying late and to start your educational tour business. I am also glad that you find reading to be a valuable way to learn and to grow. Just to add, my idea about marrying by 30 is not a hard and fast rule as everyone’s situation is different.

      You are right that reading can help us to learn from the mistakes of others and to discover our hidden potentials. When we read about the experiences of others, we can learn from their successes and their failures. We can also learn about their talents and their abilities. This knowledge can help us to make better decisions in our own lives and to reach our full potential.

      Best regards,

  8. You have aptly justified why you read and am aligned with most of the things you mentioned. For me I am an academic and for that matter reading is like my medicine for survival.

    1. Dear Frank,

      I am glad that you agree with my reasons for reading. I believe that reading is essential for anyone who wants to be successful in academia as it is vital to stay up-to-date on the latest research and developments in one’s field of interest. As an academic, you are constantly learning and growing. Reading is a great way to support your professional development.

      As the adage goes “The more you read, the more knowledgeable and well-rounded you will become”

  9. I love to read because it broadens my horizon on diverse facets of disciplines. Not necessarily in academia, but in entrepreneurship, social life, personality building and many others.

    1. Dear Emmanuel,

      I love your reason for reading! It is true that reading can broaden our horizons on diverse facets of disciplines, both in and out of academia.

      For example, reading books on entrepreneurship can teach us how to start and grow a business. Reading books on social life can teach us how to build and maintain relationships. Reading books on personality building can teach us how to become better people.

      And of course, reading books on a variety of academic disciplines can teach us about the world around us and help us to develop our critical thinking skills.

      I encourage you to continue reading and to explore a variety of different genres and authors. The more you read, the more well-rounded and knowledgeable you will become.

  10. Hello Mr. Opoku
    Thank you for your email. Very interesting insight as to why you love to read.

    I like to read because acquisition of knowledge and application makes me a better person.

    Unfortunately I have struggled to read all the books I have.

    What can I do to motivate myself to read more?

    1. Hello Emma ,

      Thank you for your kind words, and I’m glad you found the insights interesting!

      It’s great that you recognize the value of reading for personal development. If you’re looking to motivate yourself to read more, here are a few suggestions:

    2. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your reading goals into smaller, achievable tasks. It could be a certain number of pages or chapters per day. I personally read just about 5 pages a day. It may seem small, but just 5 pages a day enables me to read a full book every month.
    3. Create a Reading Routine: Set aside dedicated time each day for reading, whether it’s in the morning, during lunch, or before bed.
    4. Explore Different Genres: Sometimes a change in genre can rekindle interest. Try a book in a genre you haven’t explored before.
    5. Join a Book Club: Sharing thoughts and discussing books with others can be motivating and create a sense of accountability.
    6. Reward Yourself: Treat yourself after completing a book or reaching a reading milestone.
    7. Remember, the key is to enjoy the process. If you have specific preferences or challenges, feel free to share, and I can provide more tailored suggestions.

  11. Aye Albert,

    I do appreciate that personalized mail to me. I’ll shortly share with you why I read.
    Yet, before that, I took the time to read about your profile and it is admirable. Well done for your hard work and sorry for the loss of your dear mother.
    Like yourself, I am also one of Jehovah’s witnesses and I share with you the hope of seeing our dead loved ones.

    To the matter at present then! I would like to share a few quotes I saw displayed on the wall of a village meeting hall I visited about a year ago. They epitomize my thoughts and feelings on reading and will also answer your question to me. Enjoy them 🙂

    The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries
    A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one
    A book is a dream that you hold in your hand
    Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be
    Because of reading, we have an escape from reality
    A room without books is like a body without a soul* I think Spirit is rather implied
    Each time you open a book and read it, a tree smiles knowing that there is life after death
    Friendships should be like books, few but hand-selected
    A book is a gift you can open again and again
    Happiness is a quiet house and a good book
    What is a bookshelf other than a treasure for a curious mind
    If a book is well written I always find it too short
    There is no friend as loyal as a good book

    I would like to conclude with my own: I find a book to be a creature with its own mind. Although non-living, yet living and impacting the truly living. God’s own being the greatest of them all.

    Warm regards,
    Patterson 🙂

    1. Dear Patterson,

      Thank you for your kind words. I am glad that you enjoyed the quotes about reading. I especially like the one about a book being a creature with its own mind. I think that is a very apt description.

      I agree with you that a book is a gift that you can open again and again. Each time you read a book, you can learn something new or see something in a different light. Books can also be a source of comfort and inspiration.

      I am glad that we share the hope of seeing our dead loved ones again. It is a beautiful hope that gives us comfort in our times of grief.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on reading with me. I have enjoyed learning more about your perspective.

  12. Two reasons why l love to read:
    1. For the pleasure and joy l derive from the reading
    2. For the knowledge; a lot of knowledge is hidden in books and for you to acquire it, you need to read. Thank you.

    1. Dear Emmanuel,

      Thank you for sharing your reasons for loving to read. I agree that reading is a great way to experience pleasure and joy, and to learn new things.

      I especially like your second reason for reading: to acquire knowledge. There is so much knowledge hidden in books, and the more we read, the more we learn. Reading can help us to expand our horizons, to understand the world around us better, and to become more well-rounded individuals.

      I’m glad that you enjoy reading, and I encourage you to continue to do so. There are so many wonderful books out there waiting to be discovered.

  13. I developed love for reading at a tender age. My father (late) always returned from work with two newspapers (The Ghanaian Times and Daily Graphic) although he did not have time to read them. I would sit to read from page to page every evening just to know what was happening in Ghana and around the world. Indirectly, that was how my father developed my interest in reading. Sometimes, he would ask me to discuss some of the happenings I read from the newspapers. Because of this, one of my cousins (late) who was in secondary school then advised me to read General Arts (Languages) in the secondary school which I did. In secondary school, my quest to pass well was also contributing factor for me to read since I knew the state of my family. Since then, my interest for reading has increased. I went ahead to read B. A English Education which is full of reading at the University of Education, Winneba. Thus, my interest for reading keep rising on daily basis till now. Thank you.

    1. Dear Robert,

      Thank you for sharing your story about how you developed a love for reading. It is so inspiring to hear about how your father and cousin played a role in shaping your interests.

      It is clear that you have a passion for reading and learning. Your journey from reading newspapers to studying English Education at the University of Education, Winneba is a testament to your dedication and hard work.

      I am glad that you continue to read and learn to this day. Reading is a powerful tool that can help us to grow as individuals and to make a difference in the world.

      I encourage you to continue reading and to share your love of reading with others. You never know who you might inspire!

  14. Good evening Mr. Albert l love to read because of the moral lesson, advice, guidance and also life experience of most of the author’s of this books to build my self. Secondly l learnt new words to build my English and most at times l read because l don’t keep friends so the books have become my companion.

    1. Dear Georgina,

      I love your reasons for loving to read. Books can indeed be a great source of moral lessons, advice, guidance, and life experience. They can also help us to learn new words and to build our English skills. And, as you mentioned, books can also be our companions when we don’t have anyone else to talk to.

      I am glad to hear that you find books to be such a valuable resource in your life. I encourage you to continue reading and to explore new genres and authors. There is a book out there for everyone, and I am sure that you will continue to find books that teach you, inspire you, and entertain you.

  15. Reading gives
    me the more insight about life.
    Reading shape into a better person
    Reading broadens my knowledge and how to handle situation at any point in life

    1. Dear Salasi,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on why you love to read. I agree that reading has many benefits, including helping us to better understand ourselves and the world around us, shaping us into better people, and broadening our knowledge and skills.

      Here are some specific ways in which reading can help us to become better people:

    2. Reading can help us to develop empathy and compassion. When we read stories about people from different backgrounds and experiences, we can learn to see the world from their perspective and to understand their struggles. This can help us to become more compassionate and understanding individuals.
    3. Reading can help us to develop critical thinking skills. When we read, we are constantly evaluating the information that we are presented with. We have to decide whether or not we agree with the author’s point of view, and we have to support our own opinions with evidence. This process of critical thinking can help us to become more discerning and informed individuals.
    4. Reading can help us to develop our own values and beliefs. As we read about different characters and their choices, we begin to think about our own values and beliefs. We start to question what is important to us and what we stand for. This process of self-reflection can help us to become more well-rounded and thoughtful individuals.
    5. I encourage you to continue reading and to learn as much as you can. Reading is a powerful tool that can help us to become better people.

    1. Dear Kofi

      That’s wonderful! Visualizing characters as you read is a great way to get immersed in a book. It can also help you to better understand the characters and their motivations.

      Here are a few tips for visualizing characters as you read:
      Pay attention to the author’s descriptions. When you’re first introduced to a character, pay attention to how the author describes them. What do they look like? What are they wearing? How do they move and speak?
      Use your imagination. Don’t be afraid to use your imagination to fill in the gaps. If the author doesn’t describe a character’s hair color, for example, imagine what color it would be.
      Picture the characters in your mind. As you read, try to picture the characters in your mind. Where are they? What are they doing? What are they feeling?
      Don’t be afraid to change your mind. As you learn more about a character, you may need to change your visualization of them. That’s perfectly normal. Just go with what feels right to you.
      Visualizing characters can make reading more enjoyable and engaging. It can also help you to better understand the characters and their motivations. So next time you’re reading a book, try to visualize the characters in your mind. You may be surprised at how much more you enjoy the book as a result.

      I hope this helps!

  16. Hello, Albert

    Thanks for your message.
    I read books mostly for Knowledge and Learning:
    I can learn new facts and information about a variety of subjects by reading books. Reading is a great method to learn and broaden one’s perspective on the world, whether one is reading non-fiction books that offer insights into science, history, or self-improvement or fiction books that offer creative stories and viewpoints

    1. Dear Alfred,

      Thank you for sharing your reason for loving to read. I agree that reading is a great way to gain knowledge and learn new things. It is also a great way to expand our horizons and to see the world in new ways.

      I am glad to hear that you enjoy reading non-fiction books that offer insights into science, history, and self-improvement. These types of books can teach us so much about the world around us and how to live our lives to the fullest. I also encourage you to explore fiction books, as they can offer us a glimpse into different cultures and perspectives, and they can help us to develop our creativity and imagination.

  17. 1 I read because I gain more knowledge and experience from any book I read
    2. It also prevent me from going out and making friends.
    3. Reading also improves my way of speaking.
    4. It prevents me from been bored.

    1. Dear Daniel,

      I love your reasons for reading. Here is a more detailed explanation of each point:

    2. You gain more knowledge and experience from any book you read. This is absolutely true. Books can teach us about anything and everything, from history and science to philosophy and self-improvement. When we read, we are exposed to new ideas and new perspectives. This can help us to learn and grow as individuals.
    3. Reading prevents you from going out and making friends. I understand this sentiment. Reading can be a very solitary activity. However, it is important to remember that reading can also help us to connect with others. When we read books, we can share our thoughts and feelings with others in online forums and book clubs. We can also learn about the experiences of others and develop empathy and compassion.
    4. Reading improves your way of speaking. Reading exposes you to new vocabulary and writing styles. This can help you to become a better communicator. When we read, we learn how to use language effectively and to express our thoughts clearly.
    5. Reading prevents you from being bored. Reading is a great way to pass the time. It is also a great way to relax and de-stress. When we read, we can escape into another world and forget about our problems for a while.
    6. Overall, reading is a great habit to have. It can help us to learn, grow, and connect with others. It can also help us to improve our communication skills and to relax and de-stress.

  18. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts on this. I find reading more interesting because as I read, it expose me to so many things in life. Reading broadens the mind because some people sat down and came up with a book which consists of knowledge and ideas. The white man says, “If you want to hide something from the black man,put it in a book” I’m against the adage above because as a rational human being you must stick to reading. I get excited when reading and I find some interesting stuffs, on that note I ask myself that if I didn’t read how will I know this. So reading helps me to understand and relate well with people,again it helps me read people’s mind and at the same time better myself.

    1. Dear Ebenezer,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on why you love to read. I agree with you that reading can be a very rewarding experience. It can expose us to new ideas, broaden our minds, and help us to better understand ourselves and the world around us.

      I also found it interesting to read your take on the adage “If you want to hide something from the black man, put it in a book.” I think it’s important to remember that books are not meant to be hidden from us. They are meant to be shared and enjoyed by everyone.

      I’m glad to hear that you get excited when you read. It’s a great feeling to discover new things and to learn from the experiences of others. I encourage you to continue reading and to explore the many different types of books that are available.

  19. I love to read because reading gives you eposure, experience and sharpens your mind set.
    Reading transform you by renewing your mind. I cannot do without reading. Thank you.

    1. Dear Dadji,

      I agree that reading gives us exposure, experience, sharpens our mindset, and transforms us by renewing our minds. It is a powerful tool that can help us to learn and grow in many ways.

      Here are some specific thoughts on each of the benefits of reading that you mentioned:
      Exposure: Reading exposes us to new ideas, new perspectives, and new ways of thinking. It can help us to see the world in new ways and to challenge our own assumptions.

    2. Experience: Reading allows us to experience the lives of others, both real and fictional. This can help us to learn from their experiences and to develop our own empathy and understanding.
    3. Sharpens our mindset: Reading challenges our thinking and forces us to confront our own biases. This can help us to become more critical thinkers and to develop more nuanced understanding of the world.
    4. Transforms us by renewing our minds: Reading can help us to see the world in new ways and to develop new values and beliefs. It can also help us to become more self-aware and to grow as individuals.
    5. I am glad to hear that you love to read and that you find it to be a transformative experience. I encourage you to continue reading and to explore a variety of different genres and authors. The more you read, the more you will learn and grow.

  20. Hi Albert.

    Reading has been a habit for years. I still remember spending most of my time in primary school, just reading.

    Reading stimulates the creative and imaginative parts.of the brain and nudges you to explore your ideas.

    That’s why I read.

    1. Dear Dr. Gyimah,

      I love your statement: “Reading stimulates the creative and imaginative parts of the brain and nudges you to explore your ideas.” This is so true!

      Reading exposes us to new ideas and perspectives, which can help us to think more creatively and imaginatively. It also helps us to develop our problem-solving skills and to come up with new solutions to challenges.

      I am glad to hear that you have been a reader for many years. Reading is a habit that benefits us in so many ways. It helps us to learn and grow, and it makes us more well-rounded individuals.

  21. I am very fine. To be honest, I have not given a thought to this before. It’s a very good question.

    The reason is similar to yours. Its a shortcut to gain knowledge and experience. From the Bible’s perspective, reading helps us learn wisdom and discipline. Knowledge and thinking ability. it’s an opportunity to ”take in more instructions, and acquire skillful direction.”

    And these are qualities needed to survive this dying world.
    Proverbs 1: 2-5
    Romans 15:4
    Psalm 1:1-3
    Joshua 1:8.

    I hope I have tried to answer your question.😃

    1. Dear Philip,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on why you love to read. I agree that reading is a great way to gain knowledge and experience, both from the Bible’s perspective and from other humans.

      I especially like your point about reading being an opportunity to “take in more instructions, and acquire skillful direction.” This is so important in today’s world, where we are bombarded with information from all sides. Reading can help us to sift through the noise and to learn from the wisdom of others and more importantly the wisdom from the Creator. The scriptures that you quoted show that our Creator values knowledge and wisdom and that He sees reading as a way to acquire these qualities. Knowledge and wisdom are powerful tools, and they can help us to live a better life and to serve God more effectively.

  22. Thank so much for sharing your thought with me about the reason why you read.

    These are the reason why l also read.

    I am where l am today because of the books that l read. My life turns around anytime l read a book and l apply what a read. I thank Jehovah for granting me this grace.

    Secondly, l realise that it makes me to be ahead of my colleagues.

    It gives me experience that l never went through.

    It saves me from pain and regret. Let me confess that your first books are saving me from a lot of pain and regrets.

    These are the reasons why l read sir.

    1. Dear Gershon,

      I am glad to hear that you also love to read and that it has had such a positive impact on your life. It is true that reading can help us to learn from the experiences of others, which can save us from a lot of pain and regret.

      I am especially glad to hear that my books have been helpful to you. I write with the goal of helping people to live better lives, and it is heartwarming to hear that my words have made a difference in your life.

      I encourage you to continue reading and to learn as much as you can. Knowledge is power, and it can help you to achieve your goals and to live a fulfilling life.

    1. Dear Bead,

      I love your reason for reading! Exposure and content gathering are two very important benefits of reading.

      When we read, we are exposed to new ideas, new perspectives, and new ways of thinking. This can help us to see the world in a new light and to challenge our own assumptions. Reading can also help us to develop our critical thinking skills and to become more knowledgeable and well-rounded.

      Reading is also a great way to gather content. When we read, we are taking in new information and storing it in our brains. This information can be used for a variety of purposes, such as writing essays, giving presentations, or simply making conversation.

  23. Hello Albert,

    I trust you are well. Your question is interesting and here’s how I’ll answer it.

    Books are the building blocks of our lives. Through books we are able to stand in the footprints of those who have come and gone and others who are still living.

    I love to read books because I am able to feed my mind and soul heartily from the experience of the author.

    Thank you for your question and it’s great to hear from you.

    1. Dear Foster,

      I love your way of describing books as the building blocks of our lives. It is so true that books can help us to learn and grow in so many ways.

      I especially like your phrase “I am able to feed my mind and soul heartily from the experience of the author.” This is such a beautiful and insightful way to think about the power of reading.

      When we read, we are not just consuming information. We are also connecting with the author on a deep level. We are learning about their experiences, their thoughts, and their feelings. We are also being challenged to think about our own lives in new ways.

  24. Dear Mr. Opoku,
    Thanks alot for asking of my opinion on reading. It helps me a lot to discover new vocabulary and learn more about life.
    Thanks once again.

    1. Dear Abraham,

      You are welcome! I am glad to hear that reading helps you to discover new vocabulary and learn more about life. Reading is a wonderful way to expand our knowledge and horizons. It can also help us to develop our critical thinking skills and to become more empathetic and compassionate.

      I encourage you to continue reading and to explore a variety of different genres and authors. You may be surprised at how much you learn and grow as a result.
      Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your reading:
      Choose books that interest you. This will make you more likely to stick with them and to finish them.
      Set aside some time each day to read. Even if it is just for 15 minutes, reading regularly will help you to make progress.
      Find a comfortable place to read where you will not be interrupted.
      Take notes or write down your thoughts and feelings as you read. This can help you to better understand and remember what you are reading.
      Discuss the books you read with others. This can help you to gain new perspectives and to learn more about the books.
      I hope these tips help you to enjoy reading even more!

  25. Personally, reading has helped me build me SPEECH WRITING WELL, VOCABULARY and SELF CONFIDENCE to speak anywhere I find my
    Self .

    1. Dear KOPHI,

      I’m so glad to hear that reading has helped you to build your speech, writing, vocabulary, and self-confidence. These are all important skills that can benefit you in many areas of your life.

      Here are some specific ways that reading can help you to develop these skills:

      1. Speech: Reading exposes you to new vocabulary and grammar structures. It also helps you to develop your fluency and pronunciation. When you read aloud, you are practicing your speech skills and building your confidence.
      2. Writing: Reading helps you to learn different writing styles and techniques. It also exposes you to new ideas and perspectives, which can help you to develop your own unique voice as a writer.
      3. Vocabulary: Reading exposes you to new words and phrases. It also helps you to learn how to use these words and phrases in context. When you have a strong vocabulary, you are able to communicate more effectively and persuasively.
      4. Self-confidence: Reading helps you to learn about different cultures and perspectives. It also helps you to develop your critical thinking skills. When you are well-informed and have a strong un
      5. derstanding of the world around you, you are more likely to feel confident in yourself and your abilities.
  26. I have loved reading since I was a boy and I grew up to know the good impact it had upon my life been speaking and writing wise. And it has opened up my mind on many things around me. Thank you for your help and time

    1.  If you’re looking to motivate yourself to read more, here are a few suggestions:

      • Set Realistic Goals: Break down your reading goals into smaller, achievable tasks. It could be a certain number of pages or chapters per day. I personally read just about 5 pages a day. It may seem small, but just 5 pages a day enables me to read a full book every month.
      • Create a Reading Routine: Set aside dedicated time each day for reading, whether it’s in the morning, during lunch, or before bed.
      • Explore Different Genres: Sometimes a change in genre can rekindle interest. Try a book in a genre you haven’t explored before.
      • Join a Book Club: Sharing thoughts and discussing books with others can be motivating and create a sense of accountability.
      • Reward Yourself: Treat yourself after completing a book or reaching a reading milestone.

      Remember, the key is to enjoy the process. 

  27. I love reading because when I feel depressed, then it’s my joy and source of consolation and when am happy it’s my form of joy and celebration 🥳💕 meanwhile time doesn’t allow me nowadays to read a book a day because of working in the bush 😭

    1. Dear Asoofo Ahad,

      I’m so glad to hear that reading is a source of joy and consolation for you, both when you’re feeling down and when you’re happy. It’s wonderful that you have found such a positive outlet.

      I understand that it can be difficult to find time to read when you’re working in the bush, but even reading for a few minutes each day can make a difference. If you can only read a few pages at a time, that’s still progress. And the more you read, the more you’ll get into the habit of it and the less time it will take.

      Here are a few tips for finding time to read when you’re busy:

      Read on your lunch break. If you have a lunch break at work, use it to read a few pages of a book.
      Read before bed. Set aside some time before you go to bed each night to read. Even if it’s just for 15 minutes, it will add up over time.
      Read while you’re commuting. If you commute to work or school, use that time to read. You can read on a Kindle, an eReader app, or in a physical book.
      Listen to audiobooks. If you don’t have time to read, you can listen to audiobooks. You can listen to audiobooks while you’re commuting, doing chores, or working out.
      I hope these tips help you to find more time to read. Happy reading!

  28. I love to read for the knowledge of it. Broadens my horizon and improves my capacity. Builds up my confidence always.

    1. Dear Stephen,

      I love your reasons for reading! Reading is a great way to broaden your horizons, improve your capacity, and build your confidence.

      When you read, you are exposed to new ideas, new perspectives, and new ways of thinking. This can help you to see the world in a new light and to challenge your own assumptions. Reading can also help you to develop your critical thinking skills and to become more knowledgeable and well-rounded.

  29. Good evening, I love reading because the following reasons including others: 1 reading gives me happiness and joy since it unfolds the truth about life touching situations life marriage. 2 Mastering a language becomes possible
    through regular reading -grammar, vocabulary e t c development. 3 Reading encourages hard work since lazy people don’t like reading. 4 Reading also also helps to confirm or condemn some ideas we hold onto in life.

    1. Dear Sulpice,

      Your reasons for loving to read are all very insightful and well-reasoned. I especially like your point about how reading helps you to master a language and to develop your vocabulary and grammar. Reading is a great way to expose yourself to new words and phrases and to see how they are used in context. This can help you to improve your writing and speaking skills.

      I also agree with your point that reading encourages hard work. Lazy people may not like to read, but reading requires effort and focus. When we read, we are challenging ourselves to learn and understand new things. This can help us to develop the discipline and work ethic that we need to succeed in life.

      Finally, I appreciate your point about how reading can help us to confirm or condemn some of the ideas that we hold onto in life. Reading exposes us to different perspectives and viewpoints, which can help us to challenge our own assumptions and beliefs. This can lead to personal growth and development.

      Overall, I think you have a very positive and well-rounded view of reading.

  30. Thank you for asking me such a thought provoking question.
    Your response to your friend’s question is explicit.
    “I love to read because I want to be rich”.
    This is because the difference between the rich and the poor is access to information. These information can be grabbed through reading.

    1. You’re right that the difference between the rich and the poor is often access to information. The wealthy have access to better education, resources, and connections, which gives them a significant advantage in life.

      However, I believe that reading is one of the most important ways to bridge this gap. Reading is free and accessible to everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic status. It is also a powerful tool for self-improvement.

      When you read, you are exposed to new ideas and perspectives. You learn about different cultures and ways of life. You also develop your critical thinking skills and your ability to communicate effectively.

    1. Reading is a great way to gain knowledge and insights that people have already acquired and put in writing. It is a convenient and efficient way to learn about a wide range of topics, and it can help you to develop your own understanding of the world around you.

      Reading can also help you to learn new skills and knowledge that can be useful in your personal and professional life. By reading books about different topics, you can learn how to start a business, improve your communication skills, or invest your money wisely.

  31. l love to read because it helps me to meet authors like you who under normal circumstances, l wouldn’t be able to meet in person.
    Reading also take me to towns, cities and countries I wouldn’t be able to go physically.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I am glad to hear that you share my love of reading and that you appreciate my responses.

      I agree that reading is a wonderful way to meet authors and to travel to new places. When we read, we are transported into the worlds created by the authors. We can meet the characters, learn about their cultures, and explore their surroundings.

      In a way, reading is a form of virtual travel. We can visit places that we would never be able to afford to go to in person. We can also experience cultures that are very different from our own.

  32. I love reading especially my Bible because it contains the will of God for my life and the more I get closer to the reading of the Bible I am certain about the love of God for all men especially me.
    Also my zeal for reading other books is because a lot of the authors are well travelled, and have had much more experience in life and so am able to connect with the world of life through the reading of their books. Example is your book quitting your job – I was looking at just quitting my job at once and then dive into something else but after sharing your experience in the book, I reconsidered my stance YOU CANNOT QUIT INSTANTLY IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH FUNDS BUT DO IT GRADUALLY.

    1. I am glad to hear that you love reading the Bible and that it has helped you to connect with God. I also appreciate that you shared your experience with my book, “Quitting Your Job.” It is great to hear that it helped you to reconsider your stance on quitting your job suddenly.

      I agree that it is important to be financially prepared before quitting your job. It is also important to have a plan for what you are going to do after you quit. By quitting your job gradually, you can give yourself time to save money and to make a smooth transition to your new career or business.

      I am glad that my book was able to help you in this way. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

  33. Reading helps me to have intercourse with minds of great writers and avoid the mistakes they have committed and adding my thank their wisdom

    1. That is a very insightful and beautiful way to think about reading. It is true that reading allows us to have intercourse with the minds of great writers. We can learn from their experiences, their wisdom, and their mistakes.

      I especially like your phrase “adding to their wisdom.” When we read the books of great writers, we are not just passive consumers of information. We are also active participants in a dialogue with them. We can add to their wisdom by reflecting on their ideas and sharing our own thoughts and insights.

  34. This is a very inspiring reason you love to read.
    It’s great for me to adopt that as a reason to read as well

    But my original reason to read was to gain lessons from what’s written

    1. I am glad that you found my reason for loving to read inspiring. I am also glad that you are considering adopting it as a reason to read as well.

      Learning lessons from what is written is a great reason to read. Books are a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom. They can teach us about the world around us, about ourselves, and about how to live better lives.

  35. I love reading because the world’s knowledge is buried in books.

    If I must look for a car, I will look for it in a garage. If I must look for knowledge or experience, books are my sure bet.

    1. I love your analogy about books being a garage for knowledge and experience. It is a very accurate and insightful way to think about it.

      Books contain a vast amount of information on every imaginable topic. They are written by experts in their respective fields, and they can provide us with valuable insights and information that we cannot find anywhere else.

      When we read books, we are able to tap into this wealth of knowledge and experience. We can learn about new cultures, new technologies, and new ways of thinking. We can also learn from the mistakes of others and avoid making them ourselves.

  36. Well! I love to read because, the second time God became angry at humanity was luck of knowledge. Since then, I have cultivated a serious hunger for knowledge acquisition . Also, for intellectual stimulation, to appreciate diversity and to die empty.

    These are the few reasons for my endless love for books(reading)

    1. I love your reasons for loving to read. They are all very insightful and well-reasoned.

      I especially like your point about knowledge being the key to preventing God from becoming angry with humanity again. Knowledge is power, and it is essential for making good decisions. When we are knowledgeable, we are better equipped to solve problems and to create a better world for ourselves and others.

      I also like your point about reading for intellectual stimulation. Reading exposes us to new ideas and perspectives, and it helps us to challenge our own assumptions and beliefs. This can lead to personal growth and development.

  37. Hi Sir,
    Experience they say is the best teacher and people’s experience and your own experience is really the best teacher indeed. I love reading everyday to help me grow in my personal development and areas like my spiritual Life, financial life, relational life, health life, mental life and career life life in other to update and renew my mind always.
    That’s my reasons why l always love to read.

    1. I love your reasons for reading! You are absolutely right that experience is the best teacher, and reading is a great way to learn from the experiences of others.

      Reading can help you to grow in all areas of your life, from your spiritual life to your career. It can teach you new things, challenge your thinking, and help you to see the world in new ways.

      Reading can also help you to update and renew your mind. When you read, you are constantly learning and growing. This can help you to stay sharp and to be more adaptable to change.

  38. You asked a good question, Sir Albert. My motivation to read books mainly comes from you. I came to you one day to discuss saving money and making investments, even if I don’t earn much. You shared a soft copy of “The Richest Man in Babylon” with me, and after reading it, I gained valuable insights. It showed me how to make money work for me. Since then, I have asked you many questions about personal development, and your answers have always pushed me forward.

    After you published your first book, “What I learnt late: 52 Life Lessons,” I found a new enthusiasm for reading. Lesson 52 in that book states, ” A page a day makes a book in a year.” This lesson made me realize that whether you are reading or writing, it puts you on a path of growth. I have noticed significant changes in myself.

    So, all my motivation, inspiration, and energy for reading stem from the lessons you have shared with me and your willingness to answer my questions. Thank you very much, Mr. Albert Yaw Opoku.

    1. I am so glad to hear that I have played a role in motivating you to read. Reading is a powerful tool for personal growth and development, and I am so happy that you have discovered its benefits.

      I am especially pleased to hear that you have found value in my book, “What I learnt late: 52 Life Lessons.” The lesson that you mentioned about reading a page a day is one that I believe strongly in. Even if you can only read for a few minutes each day, it will add up over time. And the more you read, the more you will learn and grow.

      I encourage you to continue reading and to explore a variety of different genres and authors. The more you read, the more well-rounded and knowledgeable you will become.

      Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your story with me. I am inspired by your dedication to personal growth and development.

  39. Hi Albert , thanks for your message and sharing why you love to read.

    Reading helps me to improve my vocabulary . I learn a lot from observing people so ,reading helps me think about the writer’s thoughts and perspectives and learn from them. Lastly, reading makes me feel fulfilled and productive of the time used.

    Best regards 🤗

    1. Dear Mabel,

      Sorry for my late reply. I am glad that you love to read for the same reasons that I do: to improve my vocabulary, to learn from the thoughts and perspectives of others, and to feel fulfilled and productive.

      Reading is a wonderful way to expose yourself to new words and to learn how they are used in context. This can help you to improve your communication skills and to become a more articulate writer and speaker.

      Reading also allows you to learn from the experiences and insights of others. You can learn about different cultures, different perspectives, and different ways of thinking. This can help you to become more open-minded and tolerant of others.

      Finally, reading is a great way to feel fulfilled and productive. When you read, you are actively engaged in learning and growing. You are also challenging yourself to think critically and to develop your own ideas and opinions.

      I encourage you to continue reading and to explore a variety of different genres and authors. The more you read, the more you will learn and grow as a person.

  40. For me, I read when the title of the book catches me attention and when i think it’ll benefit me personally. I also love to read personal experienced books about the author to shape my life.

    1. I love your approach to reading. It’s important to choose books that are interesting and relevant to you, and to focus on books that can help you grow as a person.

      Personal experience books can be especially powerful, as they allow us to learn from the lived experiences of others. These books can teach us valuable lessons about life, love, loss, and everything in between. They can also help us to feel less alone and to see that others have faced similar challenges.

  41. I love to read to get more insight about life and different cultures as in education not ending in a class room or lecture halls

    1. You’re right that education doesn’t end in the classroom. Reading is a great way to continue learning and growing throughout your life. It allows you to explore new topics, learn about different cultures, and gain insights from people from all walks of life.arn about new cultures, new technologies, and new ways of thinking. We can also learn from the mistakes of others and avoid making them ourselves.

  42. It’s nice to touch base again after a long while. I hope you’re doing well.
    I am okay, as well as my family.

    This is a very interesting question. A lot of people may take reading for granted and not reflect on why they read or why they Iove reading books. It’s requires an in-depth reflection.

    I love to read mainly for two good reasons:

    1. When I read one page of a book, it’s like I have traveled to some place(s), because I learn about many places just from the one page I have read. So, when I read many pages of a book, it’s equivalent to traveling around the whole (or more than 3/4 of the) world! For me, reading makes me feel I have traveled far and widely, because I learn about so many things from my living or reading room.

    2. Another reason I love reading is because I want to benchmark in order to improve my life and lives of people around me. I read a cross-section of biographies, and from that I learn about many good characters (and practices) that I emulate to improve my life. It’s equivalent to interacting with many different personalities of the charactes I admire. Of course, once in a while you may also come across bad characters in a book, those you would wish not to interact with or emulate. Therefore, I make a choice of the biographies I read. There is a common adage that goes, ” Your character is determined by the people you live/stay with and the books you read”. It’s true! Reading a book is an opportunity to form a character, and the choice of the books you read matters. By reading many books I am in effect interacting with many people!

    As a result of reading books, I am empowered to support and serve my community better.

    Those are pretty much the main reasons I love to read books.

    I hope someone will learn from my experiences.

    1. It’s wonderful to hear from you, and I’m glad to know that you and your family are doing well. I truly appreciate your thoughtful reflection on why you love to read—it’s evident that your passion for books goes beyond the pages and extends into the very fabric of your life.

      Your analogy of reading as a form of travel, allowing you to explore different places and learn about diverse cultures and perspectives, is both vivid and poetic. The idea that each page brings you to a new destination is a beautiful way to capture the transformative power of reading.

      I’m also inspired by your second reason for loving to read—using books as a benchmark for personal improvement. The intentional choice of biographies to learn from the experiences and characters of others is a powerful strategy. Your commitment to emulating positive qualities and learning from diverse personalities is admirable.

      The adage you mentioned, “Your character is determined by the people you live/stay with and the books you read,” resonates deeply. It reflects the profound influence that literature can have on shaping our values and character.

      I’m certain that your dedication to reading has not only enriched your own life but also empowered you to make meaningful contributions to your community. Your experiences and insights serve as an inspiration to others on the transformative potential of a good book.

      Thank you for sharing your perspective, Alfred. I’m sure your reflections will indeed offer valuable insights to others.

  43. I love to read because it broadens my perspective. It teaches me variety using others experiences and I get to make better choices.

    When I went to Barcamp Kumasi last Saturday, I bought six books from mandate books.

    Waiting for your hardcopy of your recent book.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on why you love to read. I agree that reading is a great way to broaden our perspective and to learn from the experiences of others. When we read books from different authors and cultures, we are exposed to new ideas and perspectives. This can help us to see the world in a new light and to become more understanding and tolerant of others.

      I am glad that you find reading to be such a valuable experience. I am yet to print the hardcopies of my latest book. I will notify you as soon as I do so.

  44. Wow!
    Reading for me is my stress relief. It is my means of escape from pressure. And yes,your books help me to that aside the incredible insights its entails.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience and you with the world .
    Kind regards.

    1. Sorry for my late reply. I am so glad to hear that you find reading to be a stress reliever and a way to escape from pressure. I completely agree with you. Reading can be a wonderful way to transport yourself to another world and to forget about your worries for a while.

      I am also honored to hear that you enjoy my books. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others, and I am so glad that my books have been able to help you in some way.

      I encourage you to continue reading and to explore a variety of different genres and authors. The more you read, the more benefits you will experience.

  45. Your wise approach to absorbing knowledge from books resonates with me. Like you, I just don’t read for reading sake,I cherish the profound sentences and insightful paragraphs that resonate with me. I jot them down in my journal, to revisit and reflect upon its teachings. It’s a practice that enriches my reading experience and informs my life.

    For me, reading is more than just an activity; it’s a journey. Every book is a doorway to a different world, a different perspective. I read because it allows me to live multiple lives, to gain insights into worlds I might never physically travel to. With each page, I can learn, grow, and see the universe through the eyes of another. It’s a limitless adventure, one that continues to surprise and educate me in ways I never imagined.

    Your book “How to Quit Your Job and Become an Entrepreneur” piqued my interest when I had the chance to read it this year. The principles outlined have guided me to be more strategic about my finances, nudging me to build a robust emergency fund while I lay the groundwork for my future endeavors. Your book has been a cornerstone in planning my transition to entrepreneurship.

    I’m genuinely intrigued by your experiences and insights. Perhaps, in your journey thus far, you’ve uncovered strategies or lessons that could be instrumental in my own path. I am eager to learn from your approach and would appreciate any wisdom you could share.

    I look forward to our continued discussions.

    1. I truly appreciate your thoughtful and eloquent response. It warms my heart to know that the principles outlined in “How to Quit Your Job and Become an Entrepreneur” have resonated with you and played a role in guiding your financial strategy and entrepreneurial endeavors.

      Your perspective on reading as a journey aligns perfectly with my own sentiments. The idea of each book being a doorway to a different world, a different perspective, is beautifully expressed. I admire your practice of jotting down profound sentences and insightful paragraphs in your journal to revisit and reflect upon; it’s a wonderful way to deepen the impact of your reading experience.

      Your enthusiasm for continuous learning and exploration through reading is inspiring. It’s evident that you approach each page with a genuine curiosity, using books as a tool for personal growth and gaining insights into diverse worlds. I believe the journey of entrepreneurship is indeed an adventurous one, and I’m thrilled to hear that my experiences have sparked your interest.

      I’m more than happy to share any insights or lessons I’ve learned along the way. If there are specific areas you’d like to delve into or if you have questions about certain aspects of entrepreneurship, feel free to let me know. Our shared passion for learning and growth is a powerful foundation for meaningful discussions, and I’m looking forward to continuing this journey with you.

      1. Thank you for your heartfelt message. Honestly,your book has really been an eye-opener and has genuinely influenced my perspective on entrepreneurship.

        Your willingness to share insights from your experiences is greatly appreciated. I’m eager to explore aspects of entrepreneurship, and I believe our discussions will be insightful and beneficial.
        Looking forward to our continued exchange of thoughts.

  46. There is this old adage that says if you want to hide something from the black man just keep it in the book. I just don’t want to be that black man but rather be exposed to the good stuff hidden in there and be exposed to new adventures with this reading has become my hoppy always.

    1. It’s great to hear that you’re finding joy and adventure in reading. Books can be a gateway to new worlds, new ideas, and new experiences. They can help us to learn about ourselves and others, and to grow as individuals.

      I understand your concern about the idea that some knowledge might be hidden from certain people. It’s important to remember that knowledge is power, and that everyone should have access to it. Reading is a great way to open up new possibilities and to empower yourself.

  47. Good afternoon sir, i am doing well by God grace , hope you and the family are doing well too
    The reason why i read is to gain knowledge that will helpe me become better version of what i was yesterday
    And also, it makes me realize the importance of continuous learning because the more u read the more you realize that u dont know anything

    1. I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well and that you’re making time for reading. It’s a valuable pursuit that can have a profound impact on your life.

      I wholeheartedly agree with your reasons for reading. Gaining knowledge is essential for personal growth and development. It empowers us to make informed decisions, solve problems effectively, and expand our horizons. The more we learn, the more we realize the vastness of knowledge and the importance of continuous learning.

      As you continue your reading journey, you’ll discover that knowledge doesn’t just come from textbooks or formal education. It’s also found in the experiences of others, in different cultures and perspectives, and in the world around us. Reading exposes us to these diverse sources of knowledge, helping us to become more well-rounded and insightful individuals.

  48. Reading helps me to take a tour into people’s mind,i get to understand why people behave in certain ways, I get to know their experiences, fears, expectations, take a dive in their struggle and even share in their future goals. It helps me to meet people i wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet in person.

    1. Thank you for your email, and I resonate deeply with your sentiments about the power of reading. Your description of reading as a tour into people’s minds beautifully captures the essence of what makes literature so enriching.

      Understanding the motivations behind people’s behaviors, delving into their experiences, fears, and expectations, and sharing in their struggles and future aspirations through the written word is indeed a unique and profound experience. It’s a sentiment that many readers share—the ability of books to create a bridge between individuals, transcending physical distances and providing a glimpse into diverse perspectives.

      The idea that reading allows you to meet people you wouldn’t have the opportunity to encounter in person is particularly poignant. Literature opens doors to worlds, cultures, and individuals, fostering empathy and broadening one’s understanding of the human experience.

      Thank you for sharing your perspective on the transformative nature of reading. It’s a beautiful reminder of the connections and insights that books can offer.

  49. Wow! Ilove your reason. For me, i have so many reasons but i think the one that stand out for me will be
    I love to read because it help me uncover the ideas in the minds of people. And as the saying goes – ideas rule the world. I know the ideas in my head alone cannot rule this large world so i need that of people aswel that is why i spend time to explore from books.

    To shock you, i also have it that this whole big universe or world was an idea in someones head and he spoke them into being so if i dont read how can i discover the dimension.

    1. I appreciate your insightful response and your passion for reading. Your observation about the power of ideas is profoundly true. Indeed, ideas shape our world, drive innovation, and pave the way for progress.

      Your desire to explore the ideas of others through reading is a commendable pursuit. By delving into the minds of diverse thinkers, you gain access to a vast reservoir of knowledge and perspectives that can enrich your own understanding and broaden your horizons.

      Your analogy about the universe originating as an idea is also thought-provoking. It underscores the transformative power of ideas and the potential they hold to shape reality. As you immerse yourself in the written word, you expand your own capacity to generate and explore ideas, contributing to the collective pool of human imagination.

  50. Growing up as a middle child between two girls sent me on an emotional roller coaster most of the time . My friend and solace was my Dad ( who was also a middle child between two boys), he introduced me into reading. My Mum was also a lover of novels. She had to donate over 200 novels to a second hand books seller who lost his business.
    Books were my way of escape into the author’s world of excitement and discoveries. I love reading because knowledge gives you an edge over the ignorance. Going away to sit and read out of everyone’s site often gets me out of trouble. I was a bit of an introvert but reading takes me into another exciting world .
    Whenever Jesus is asked a question,He responds ” Have you not read….”
    So reading is love and the knowledge acquired is a personal power.

    1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your email and the insight you shared about your upbringing. The emotional roller coaster of being a middle child, finding solace in your Dad’s love for reading, and your Mum’s passion for novels all paint a vivid picture of your early years.

      The image of your Mum donating over 200 novels to a second-hand bookseller adds a unique touch to your narrative. It’s a testament to the profound impact books have had on your family and the generosity in sharing the joy of reading.

      Your description of books as an escape into the author’s world resonates deeply. I can relate to the transformative power of literature in creating a sanctuary away from the challenges of everyday life.

      The connection you draw between reading, knowledge, and gaining an edge over ignorance is profound. It’s a sentiment many readers share—the idea that each book opens a door to new perspectives and insights.

      Your statement, “Reading is love, and the knowledge acquired is personal power,” beautifully encapsulates the essence of the written word. The analogy to Jesus’ response, “Have you not read…,” further emphasizes the significance of reading in gaining understanding and wisdom.

      Thank you for sharing this glimpse into your love for reading and the impact it has had on your life. It’s a story that many can relate to, and your words echo the sentiment that knowledge truly is a source of personal power.

  51. Thank you very much for your insightful emails you have been sending to me.
    I personally read to be an expert in my field.

    1. I am glad that you find my emails insightful. I am passionate about sharing knowledge and helping others to learn and grow.

      I agree that reading is an essential tool for becoming an expert in any field. By reading widely and deeply about your chosen field, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, learn about the latest research and developments, and develop your own unique perspective.

  52. Thanks Albert for the opportunity. I must say your response to reading books is thought provoking!
    In my opinion:
    1. Reading a book places me one step ahead in life. Readers they say are leaders.
    2. I read to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls the author made in life.
    3. I read to follow the path my mentors have walked and have succeeded.
    4. The fastest way I get to know someone without physically meeting the person.
    5. For lack of knowledge my people perish. A good reason to I read.
    6. Without it I will become irrelevant.
    7. Reading places me at an advantage over many.
    8. I love to read to learn, unlearn and relearn.
    9. Reading makes me wiser.

    1. Hello Andrews,

      Sorry for my late reply. Thank you for sharing your insightful reasons for loving to read. Your perspectives echo the profound impact that books can have on personal and professional development.

      The idea that reading places you one step ahead in life is powerful. It aligns with the notion that readers are often leaders, as they continuously seek knowledge and insights.

      Learning from the mistakes and pitfalls of authors is a wise approach. It allows you to gain valuable lessons without experiencing the hardships firsthand.

      Following the path of successful mentors through books is an excellent strategy for personal growth and learning from the experiences of those who have achieved great things.

  53. Reading gets me informed and I find it entertaining as well, depending on what I read. it equally makes me knowledgeable

    My reasons for reading 😊🙏

    1. Dear Diana,

      Sorry for my late reply. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the joys of reading. It’s wonderful to hear how you find both information and entertainment within the pages of a book. The dual nature of reading, where it not only informs but also entertains, is a sentiment many of us can relate to.

      The power of gaining knowledge through reading is indeed remarkable. It’s like embarking on a journey of discovery with each book, expanding our understanding and perspectives. If there’s a specific genre or type of book that you find particularly enjoyable or enlightening, I’d love to hear more about it.

      Happy reading, and feel free to share more of your literary adventures anytime.

  54. Good questions. To read means a lot
    To me. The power to gain diversity of knowledge. U know reading is no waste of time but empowerment of the brain.

    1. Dear Kofi Jessy Sam,

      Sorry for my late reply. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the power of reading. I couldn’t agree more that reading is a valuable tool for gaining knowledge and empowering the brain.

      Reading exposes us to a vast array of information, ideas, and perspectives. It allows us to learn about different cultures, historical events, scientific discoveries, and human experiences. This diversity of knowledge broadens our understanding of the world and helps us to develop a more holistic worldview.

      Moreover, reading stimulates our cognitive abilities. It enhances our vocabulary, improves our writing skills, and strengthens our critical thinking skills. As we engage with the written word, we actively process information, make connections, and form our own interpretations. This mental exercise keeps our brains sharp and agile, promoting lifelong learning and intellectual growth.

      Best regards,

  55. Hi Albert, good evening, hope u are good. I love to read because it broadens my horizon , gives me new ideas and reveals new things to me. Thanks. Its been a long time since we heard from each other.

    1. Hello Ellen

      Good evening! I’m doing well, thank you. I’m glad to hear from you, and I appreciate you sharing why you love to read. The sentiment that reading broadens your horizon, provides new ideas, and reveals new things is wonderful. It speaks to the transformative and exploratory nature of literature.

  56. First, reading makes me ideas in my field of operation.

    Secondly, reading keep me focused on my vision and purpose. The more I read, the more I discover my purpose and the means of fulfilling it.

    Moreover, reading helps me to deal with unnecessary worrying. To avoid worrying over things I do not have and my present situation, I find myself something to read.

    In addition, reading takes me to places I have never been there. It gives me understanding of things I have not

    I read for many reasons, but these are the major ones.

    1. Your reflections offer valuable insights into the diverse ways that reading contributes to your personal and professional life. The idea that reading generates ideas in your field of operation is powerful. It showcases the creative and innovative potential that literature can unlock.

      Your reasons for reading are both diverse and impactful. If there are specific books or genres that have been particularly influential in your life, or if there’s anything else you’d like to share about your reading journey, feel free to do so.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and may your reading adventures continue to bring you inspiration and growth.

  57. Let me tell you a short story about my early childhood.

    I grew up in a small community where SHS is the peak for the education level of most people’s lives. I was a victim of that disease of growth limitation because all the people around me ended their education in or after JHS. I was proud to complete SHS and was the higher-educated person among my friends till one day a young girl made me feel so stupid in expressing myself in a discussion. She was a new personality transferred from the city with the family to our community 3 blocks from my house with a high level of understanding and taste from the other side of the world as young as she was in age, she knew her purpose and how to reach that goal but I had no idea of where to start and what I want to do and how to get there. That was my wake-up call from that encounter I was disgraced in the miss of my friends because they believed in me with my SHS level of education but this girl belittled me. I couldn’t stand up to her with days of sleepless nights.

    As days passed by we became friends eventually and she gave me my first book “Burning Desires” Since then I developed a habit of seeking knowledge.
    I promise myself not to stop seeking knowledge in anyways either reading or volunteering for a course to learn.

    This is the reason why I read and volunteer to seek purpose and knowledge.

    1. Thank you for sharing such a personal and impactful story about your journey to seeking knowledge. It’s clear that your encounter with that young girl and the subsequent gift of “Burning Desires” had a profound effect on your perspective and aspirations.

      Your story resonates with the transformative power of education and the importance of continuous learning. It’s inspiring to see how a single book sparked a habit of seeking knowledge, and your commitment to never stop learning through reading and volunteering is commendable.

      The pursuit of purpose and knowledge is a noble and fulfilling journey, and your determination serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. If there are specific areas of knowledge or types of books that you’ve found particularly impactful in your journey, or if there’s anything else you’d like to share, I’m here to listen.

      Thank you for opening up and sharing your story. May your continued pursuit of knowledge lead you to ever-greater heights.

  58. There are some knowledge some books contains that when you find, can shape your life. I love to know more about an experienced some authors have gained in this life.

    1. You are so right! There are some books that contain knowledge that can truly shape our lives. Authors who have had rich and varied experiences can offer us unique insights and perspectives that can help us to better understand ourselves and the world around us.

  59. The reason why I love reading is what sekondi college imparted in some of us whilst in school between 1985 -1987.
    There were lot of books in the school library and we advice to patronize it.
    I was one of the beneficiaries.

    In addition to this, I did my distance education from the University of Cape Coast both Diploma and Degree. I have to read for 2 hours every night. Quality reading is part of UCC Distance learning.

    1. I appreciate your email and the insight into the roots of your love for reading. It’s fascinating to hear about the impact Sekondi College had on instilling a love for books in you during the years 1985-1987. The encouragement to utilize the school library and your active participation as one of its beneficiaries is a testament to the importance of fostering a reading culture in educational institutions.

      Your commitment to distance education at the University of Cape Coast (UCC) further highlights the role of reading in academic pursuits. The requirement of reading for two hours every night as part of UCC’s Distance Learning program underscores the value placed on quality reading as an integral part of the educational journey.

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