
Albert Opoku

Life Lessons: 47 – Fiscal Fitness is Useless without Physical Fitness

Life Lessons: 47 – Fiscal Fitness is Useless without Physical Fitness

physical_fitnessThe word “fiscal” basically refers to money. The pursuit of money is a race every one of us is involved in, whether we are poor, middle class, or rich. Whether you believe that money is the source of happiness or that it is the source of all evils – none of us can do without it, and that is why we spend the greatest part of our active lives at work chasing after money.

Life has taught me that money is not everything. I have seen people who leave for work at 5 AM and return home at 10 PM. These people do this day in and day out, hardly taking any breaks; all they care about is how much money they are making. They treat their bodies like machines and when they stop, it is only to grab a quick bite and a few hours of forced sleep.

When you are young, you may not see the harm being done to your body by living such a life style, but as you hit the middle years between thirty five and forty five, the flabby body and the protruding tummy starts to tell the story of our lives – we have sacrificed our physical health for fiscal wealth, but the question is has it been worth it?

It is common among people who hardly exercise to suffer from all kinds of diseases, with high blood pressure and heart disease being two of the most common. Now these people have to spend the money they sacrifice their health to earn to pay to get their health back. So was it really worth it? Now they have to live the rest of their lives taking loads of medication daily and with all sorts of dietary restrictions. Was it really worth it?

I leave you to answer this for yourself, but in my view, fiscal fitness is useless without physical fitness. Having all the money in the world and not being healthy enough to enjoy it does not cut it for me.

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